Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What are we doing here?

I'm David. I am a 22 year-old music student at Ohio State University. I'm studying composition and bassoon performance, and I'm starting this blog to share my ponderings about various topics in classical music with others. I thoroughly enjoy conversations about music with my colleagues at OSU, and now I hope to broaden my horizons and learn others' opinions about music. I also just find it helpful to get thoughts down in writing, and hopefully readers find some interest in my thoughts.

I can honestly say that I love being a music student. I was reminded of this while practicing in Hughes Hall this evening at around 1:15am. I realized how lucky I am to have found something that I am consistently so excited about and furthermore how lucky I am to have so many friends that share my excitement. Friends that are willing to give up time to advise me what will or will not work on their respective instruments while I am composing. As trite as all that sounds, it's true. I can no longer picture myself following any other career path with the same level of fulfillment and that being the case, I am dedicated to becoming a successful composer.

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